Hotcakes doors are open on the Night of the Arts. We offer free dance classes from 16-19. Unfortunately, these classes are not suitable for people with reduced mobility.
16 – 17 Hip Hop
17 – 18 Commercial
18 – 19 Heels
Hip Hop dance originated in the USA in the 1970s and is part of the wider hip hop culture. It is characterised by rhythmic and fast movements, as well as body bounce and groove. Hip hop dance combines many elements of different street dance styles as well as basic moves called foundations and party steps. Inga Grönroos offers an energetic hip hop class at the Night of the Arts. The class consists of a warm-up, technique exercises and choreography to immerse you in the world of hip hop dance, regardless of your skill level. You will need indoor shoes for the class.
Commercial dance is a combination of different dance styles, such as jazz and hip hop. Similar choreographies are familiar from music videos and artists’ stage performances. Commercial dance is often fast and precise, which combines strongly with the atmosphere of the music being danced to. Inga Grönroos offers a confidence building dance class consisting of a warm-up and a choreography that allows you to dive into the world of commercial dance, regardless of your skill level. You will need indoor shoes for the class.
The Heels class introduces you to dancing on heels. As a rule, the material is very feminine. Heels dance is a fashionable and captivating dance class in heels.Maija Pirttilahti offers a hot Heels dance class to the hottest hit songs. The main focus of the class is on dancing. The heels of the dancing shoes must be protected either with heel protectors or tape. The class is suitable for everyone.